- A bit unstable on turns and curves; Yeah, my driving style, but still
- Too much gas to feed this horse
- Unreasonably big for 2 people or for driving in the city
- On hot weather the fuel tank indicator was saying that the cap is open, even though it was closed. Actually, the car was sent to Nissan service after I returned it.
- too wide. Took some time to get used to the blind spots on the right
- Engine! You should see us on intersections! We were flying away in seconds
- Really easy to fit in small and narrow parking spots. Very flexible, surprise!
- Space for legs. Sitting like on a couch and wishing to have a drink in a hand

- Very sensitive and smooth.
- Excellent bug collector. On the second day in the front our car looked like after a battle with insects. We won.
- Ну и номера "В Уха". Мы его так и звали, в ухо

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