Tuesday, 13 February 2018

Subaru Forester

Guess what? I got a new Subaru Forester for a test drive!
Absolutely great engine! Very powerful car for 2.5L. Also very good on the road, messy commute in snow is not a problem for this baby. Though steering wheel was too rough as for me. Smooth on gas and brakes, but absolutely opposite on turns and changing lines. I had a basic model. Nice, but too simple as for me. Spacious, comfy, but not catchy.The plastic steering wheel was too plastic after 4 months in an Elantra.
It is a good car for boys - simple, strong, and durable. It is good enough on gas to be used in the city for daily commute to work and also capable to be go off-road, uncleaned roads in winter and carry plenty of camping gear for a family trip.
Would I by Forester for myself? Nope, not my car. Would I recommend it? definitely yes for people whose lifestyle is suitable for this car.
And the engine is aaaaawesome! ;)

Saturday, 10 February 2018

Car tuning

I personally do not like adjustments of car's look. If I'd make changes to the basic car, I'd make them inside and not obvious for others. Some people have a different opinion.
Please welcome Porsche Cayenne from North York, Ontario.
To be honest, I would like to meet the owner of this car and ask about motivation and meaning of this design. Pictures were taken by LJ user tellurian1

Replacing engine air filter

 Hello!  Covid-19 made a lot of adjustments in my lifestyle,  but no matter how bad the lockdown is the car still requires a maintenance. To...